Monday, May 28, 2007

Bita Gora Tsuichi

I've always been fascinated by Rube Goldberg machines, and these devices are particularly cool. Some of the most precise such machines I've ever seen, and they're still made completely out of household products. I just wish the end result was something better than the ubiquitous Japanese phrase "Bita Gora Tsuichi" which I can't translate now, but check back later and maybe I'll have cared enough to figure it out.

1 comment:

Harris said...

You had the same problem with the kana that I had. The Rube Goldberg devises are from the Japanese children's program "Pythagora Switch" transliterated "Pitagora Suichi." For those not acquainted with kana syllables, syllables that start with the sounds "H", "B" and "P" are differentiated by nothing, a " or a small circle next to them. In the video the circle looks like a " and cereardon and I read it as "bi" rather than "pi". The third kana, "go" has the same " that shows it is a voiced consonant rather than "ko".